Weird Entrepreneur; Weird Video; Weird Marketing; June 19 Verne Harnish Webinar
June 7, 2013
Five Steps To Find (And Keep) Young Stars
June 13, 2013True Strategy; Powerful PA’s; Happiest Executives; Theme Drives Leads; June 19 Verne Harnish Webinar
"…keeping you great"
Theme Drives Leads
— driving more leads than their sales people could handle in a quarter, Ron
Lovett, owner of
Source Security, established a quarterly theme called "Operation Vacation:
Spy vs. Spy." They asked their 450 security guards across Canada to submit
company names and addresses where "enemy" security companies were working. They
had over 500 submissions (the frontline sees and hears a lot!) which helped them
reach their goal of 1,344 additional recurring weekly billable hours generating
$1.1 million in recurring annual sales.
Theme Launch Video
— …the winning Security Source guard and his wife, chosen from a drawing of
all the leads submitted, took their vacation to Mexico in March. Here's
a link to their 2 minute launch video (that's Ron in disguise) providing
specifics on how they rolled this out. Thanks to their Gazelles coach Andy
Buyting, Carle Ventures, for sharing this company theme. It's halftime in 2013 –
time to launch a theme to drive focused results – what's the rock in your shoe
that you need everyone to pitch in and help fix.
Strategy is What Makes Your Calendar
— this article in the
McKinsey Quarterly
looks at the allocation of time top executives spend on various activities in
the business. And my favorite paragraph:
Satisfied vs.
Dissatisfied Executives
— of the nearly 1500 executives McKinsey surveyed, only 9% were very satisfied
with their allocation of time. The dissatisfied executives fell into four
Take 2 minutes to scan through the article
(it's fairly long) and click on the dissatisfied graphic and then take a look at
the bar chart (2/3rds down in the article) of the most highly satisfied
executives when it came to how they allocate their time. Print this bar graph
out and hang by your desk. Notable – the most satisfied execs spent almost 25%
of their time alone; and when it came to preferred communication channel, spent
38% face-to-face and 72% in total synchronous communication vs. just 28%
asynchronous communication (email and voice mail).
Power of the PA
— one of the 5 most important time management approaches was having a powerful
personal assistant (PA). My second favorite paragraph in the article continues
delineating what an effective PA does:
June 19 Verne
Harnish Webcast
— 12:30pm ET — As a leader, one of the toughest decisions you need to make is
to find the #1 thing that will increase the focus and alignment of your team.
Learn what Facebook and other Fast-Growing companies accomplished in 8 years
instead of the 80 it took others. Join me for a webcast to learn and discuss:
from Facebook that you can apply to your business
How to
prepare for a strong second half of 2013
And why
SWT is more important than SWOT Online junky
for the webcast at:
Date: Wednesday,
June 19, 2013
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM EDT
your Webinar seat now at: