Use Price to Get Attention; Pigeons Smarter Than CEOs?; Panama Feb 7 – 11
"…insights for scaleups"
Companies are living, breathing organisms. As such, the more they can mimic nature, the faster they can scale. | |
Verne Harnish, Co-Chair, Geoversity |
7-Minutes to Mastery (ScalingUp Club) — I was so impressed, we hired Ari Meisel's team to teach us to "hack" our work using his Less Doing, More Living tools. This 7-minute clip provides one of his many powerful tools. More below, but first…
How to Stop Customers from Fixating on Price — Pricing is one of your most important strategic tools and this HBR article shows how you can use pricing to grab the attention of customers and JOLT them into reconsidering your value proposition using four pricing strategies. One is using "willful overpricing." This chart speaks volumes:
Please take 4 minutes (yes, a long time) and study the four pricing strategies and then discuss at you next marketing meeting (you have one, right?) which one might be ideal for you to gain more attention from customers.
Pigeons Resist Misguided Leaders — we can all learn something from homing pigeons. This NY Times article highlights research that shows when the leader heads in the wrong direction:
Take 1 minute to watch the video accompanying the article. Now they are trying to understand how this all happens so they can program robots to make better decisions than humans! The lesson for leaders? Encourage a culture which allows for the "crowd" to do what is right. And personally know when to get out of the way and let others lead.
Geoversity Feb 7 – 12, Panama — those scaling fastest are relying on more organic or biological models (think pigeons!). Join me and 40 chosen leaders for five days in Panama (half in the city; half in the jungle via helicopter) to explore more deeply how:
- Biological systems are informing strategic and competitive decision-making
- Biomimicry is helping companies create new innovative products and services
- Nature is instructing leaders on how to build not just resilient but "anti-fragile" organizations
- Companies are embracing sustainability and eco-efficiency to drive increased revenues and profits
- Workplace design is being influenced by natural environs
- Executives are finding in nature the peace and quiet they need to unleash their best creative and problem-solving talents
$4995 inclusive – just need to get to Panama City (PTY) via lots of direct flights. I'm co-chair of Geoversity and have co-designed the program with Harvard and Fortune to bring down the top thought leaders in this evolving space. For more information and to apply.
LawnDartz iPhone App — speaking of nature (your own backyard), checkout this new 3D game app LawnDartz that is one of the first to use the new Force Touch for iPhone 6 and 7s. Notes Kyle Herman, president for JustJump Studio, "Our newest app brings back the nostalgia of playing backyard family games." The older style graphics channels a 1960's vibe with iconic symbols of the era, including ranch style homes, muscle cars, and metal swing sets. Yet it allows you to play your own choice of music and to throw other objects (let your imagination run wild). It also includes polling functionality with trending topics posted to the LawnDartz Facebook page. Why am I pushing a game app? Hey, it's my nephew's new company – blood is thicker… – and it's a blast and a blast from the past.
From Russia with Love — Tuesday I, along with Raj Sisodia (Conscious Capitalism author and founder) keynoted the Atlasses Business Forum in Moscow – 3000 entrepreneurs and business leaders. We'll be launching our ScaleUpU initiative there as a way to help stimulate the economy which everyone knows is needed. And meeting with several EO and YPO members, they were much more upbeat than two years ago. Anyway, here's a link to a photo of the storyboard they created from my 90 minute keynote.
7-Minutes to Mastery (Scaling Up Club) — In Less Doing, More Living, efficiency expert Ari Meisel details his apps/tools/virtual services which will streamline your work and make everything easier. This 7-minute video will help you understand how to automate, using low or no-cost apps like IFTTT, much of what takes you hours to do now. To access the clip, go here!
Have you ever wondered if working with a coach might accelerate your company's growth, exponentially? Do you have what it takes to move the dial from good to great? Click here to watch Gazelles International President Keith Cupp describes the four most important attributes of successful clients. Contact us at for more information.
And if you're interested in becoming a world-class certified Gazelles International coach, please go to for more information. If you determine that we're a fit and wish to join our premier organization, we invite you to contact our Dir. of Coach Engagement at or 877.217.2253 ext.700.
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Better Book Club — What's your team reading? Increase your books read per team member. Easy, Proven, and in the Cloud at