5 ways to boost your company’s revenue
August 29, 2013Zuckerberg’s Challenge; No Managers, Just Coaches; 5 Tips Driving Revenue; 1pm ET Webinar with Hostage Negotiator
September 13, 2013Marissa Mayer Unauthorized; 100 Fastest Growing Firms; Nassim Taleb’s Advice; “Undercover Boss” at Summit
"…keeping you great"
100 Fastest-Growing Companies —
annual list is out and Dublin-based Jazz Pharmaceuticals, maker of the world's
only narcolepsy drug, tops the list – 100% market share is a great thing. Coming
in at #10 was another "drug" company Green Mountain Coffee Roasters. Here's
a link to the full list with perennial favorites Apple, Rackspace,
lululemon, and Under Armour still growing like "gazelles." The surprise on the
list, for me, was #65 Winnebago Industries, maker of recreational vehicles
(RVs). Proves its best to have shifting demographics – the aging population —
providing wind at your back (OK, I did pause to check out some of the new
models, but my wife talked me down off the ledge as did my dear friend Sam
— …and check out "40
Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World." My favorite is Map 29
which shows the shifting economic center-of-gravity of the world from 1 A.D. to
a projected 2025 – what goes around comes around. Then check out Map 28 which
shows coffee consumption per capita around the globe – which explains why Green
Mountain Coffee Roasters is the #10 fastest growing company on the planet.
Thanks to mentor and former owner of
Magazine, Arthur Lipper, for sharing this fascinating link – one I shared with
my children as well.
Nassim Taleb's 5 Ways to Have a Great Day — author of
The Black Swan and
(both must read books) shares 5 quick suggestions for having a great day. #4
"Invite someone who doesn't have many friends for coffee." Picking up a pattern
here? And I definitely agree with his fifth way –
take 15 seconds, read, and smile.
Marissa Mayer CEO of Yahoo! — grab a cup of coffee and take every bit of 15 minutes
(perfect break between two 90-minute work sessions) to read
this extensive excerpt from the unauthorized biography of Marissa Mayer, the
38 year old CEO of Yahoo! One of my favorite stories about a lesson Mayer
learned from her piano teacher's daughter Laura:
Mayer begins: "Laura tried out for the volleyball team her junior year at high school. At the end of the tryouts, she was given a hard choice: bench on varsity, or start on JV.
This was one of the reasons she took the job at Google when it was just a
start-up vs. join McKinsey or one of the other 11 companies that offered her a
job straight out of Stanford. It's a well written excerpt with lots of savvy
insights from one of the youngest CEOs of a Fortune 500 company.
"Undercover Boss" — speaking of women CEOs, we're excited that Dina
Dwyer-Owens, Chairwoman and CEO of The Dwyer Group (world's largest franchising
company of service trades) and Rockefeller Habits practitioner will be the other
celebrity CEO keynote, opposite Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh, at the
Growth Summit in Vegas. Many also know her from her participation on the hit
TV series "Undercover Boss." Just a few months ago she was invited back for the
"Undercover Boss: Epic Bosses" special. I'm looking forward to her insights from
going undercover and running a global business.