5 Ways To Avoid Commoditization
October 14, 201512 Cuban lessons; 5 ways to avoid commoditization; 2 employees needed; and a bonus chapter
October 29, 2015Do You Have Plonkers?; Bix Location Decision; Power of City Clusters; Oct 16 Webinar Salim Ismail
"…insights for scaleups"
Don't get mad, get data. | |
Unknown (do you know who said this?) |
10X the Business — the author of Exponential Organizations is hosting a live webinar tomorrow, Friday, at noon ET – more details below, but first…
Are "Plonkers" Crushing Your Margins (Gazelles case study) — do you really know which products, locations, and customers are making you the most money? Are your financials detailed enough? Jim Harriott, founder of Rx Management with 18 pharmacies throughout Australia, created a matrix of Pleasers, Pullers, Plonkers, and Providers (see matrix below) for their 13,000 SKUs. My latest Huffington Post piece details how Harriott uses this matrix to protect profits, drive up gross margins, and eliminate the money-losing duds in its business. The goal is to continue to eliminate the Plonkers and put more emphasis/marketing on the Pleasers, those high-margin, high rate of sale, products and services.
Do you know where your products/services/customers/locations land in this matrix? If you're not making as much money as you would like, don't get mad, get data! Please pass along the article to your CFO and start cranking more data.
Biz Location Decision — is your city known for something? Wichita, where I went to college, is the epicenter of private aviation, home to Beech, Cessna, Gates Learjet, and originally Boeing. If you're in a specific sector of business, you might want to locate where there is a cluster of similar businesses – like Warsaw, Indiana: the Orthopedic Capital of the World. Hermann Simon's research with "hidden champions" found that companies that cluster end up helping everyone through shared talent and knowledge – think Silicon Valley for your industry. Maybe you can start a cluster to help 10x your biz?
Town, Inc. — this is the title of Andrew Davis's new book. Subtitled "Grow Your Business. Save Your Town. Leave Your Legacy." Davis makes a case for taking the lead in your city and creating a cluster of businesses and helping your local town brand itself. Go to chapter 8 and flip to the section titled "A Town Blown Away" – it's about how two local citizens remade Greensburg, KS, a town of 700. After being leveled by a tornado, they attracted Leonardo DiCaprio to produce a TV show called Greensburg about how it's becoming the "greenest" city in the US – amazing! Here's a link to the Wikipedia piece on the show. Andrew is keynoting our Summit next week on this and his previous book Brandscaping: Unleashing the Power of Partnerships. Connecting your company to bigger brands, including a city, is a powerful way to 10x the business.
Singularity U Founder Webinar — It's been a year since Singularity U founding Executive Director Salim Ismail published his breakthrough book Exponential Organizations – a book I'm happy Amazon automatically pairs with mine. Salim nailed some 10x strategies I absolutely missed in Scaling Up – so his book is a must read. On Friday, Oct 16th, 12pm EST, Salim will host an anniversary webinar. He will focus on the real cases and experiences he has seen over the past year, the challenges companies have overcome, and the key action items around implementing this methodology. Click here to register!
See you in Dallas — I look forward to seeing almost 900 of you in Dallas for our Growth Summit presented by Fortune (we've seen the power of partnerships) next Tuesday and Wednesday – the #1 "Meet-up for Scaleups" in the world.
Are you interested in becoming a Gazelles International Coach? Through ongoing education, relevant business partnerships, best-practice tools, and our exceptional community, Gazelles International coaches are equipped to dramatically impact their clients' success. See why Sean Evans relies on Gazelles International to provide him with the backdrop for his business as a certified growth coach.
If you are a business coach, you're invited to attend our Dallas Coaches Summit on Monday, October 19 to experience our community for yourself. Contact: [email protected] for more information.
Growth Summit Presented by FORTUNE
Dallas, TX – Oct 20-21, 2015
Scaling Up Business Growth Workshops 2015
Have Big Plans to Execute in 2015? Learn how to use the proven Rockefeller Habits 2.0 tools and strategies to scale up smarter.
Johannesburg, SA – October 15, 2015
Richmond, VA – October 29, 2015
Las Vegas, NV – November 3, 2015
Waukesha, WI – November 3, 2015
Dublin, Ireland – November 4, 2015
Surrey, BC – November 20, 2015
Portland, OR – November 5, 2015
Washington, DC – November 4, 2015
Laval, QB – November 5, 2015
Philadelphia, PA – November 10, 2015
Cedar Rapids, IA – November 11, 2015
Norton, MA – November 11, 2015
Austin, TX – November 12, 2015
Memphis, TN – November 12, 2015
Fort Myers, FL – November 17, 2015
Colorado Springs, CO – November 18, 2015
Indianapolis, IN – November 19, 2015
Dallas, TX – December 2, 2015
Denver, CO – December 2, 2015
San Diego, CA – December 15, 2015
Have you ever wondered if your company would be a good candidate to work with an executive growth coach? Click here to watch Gazelles International President Keith Cupp describes the four most important attributes of successful clients.
Align Software puts everyone on the Same Page – Literally! See, in real time every person in your organization and how they are progress on their priorities – alongside how these Align to the Company Priorities! Scale Up your Rockefeller Habits implementation with www.aligntoday.com– on your computer and on your phone.
Better Book Club — What's your team reading? Increase your books read per team member. Easy, Proven, and in the Cloud at http://www.BetterBookClub.com.