5 Ways To Connect With Your Children
May 7, 2013Pot Party; Dog Poster; Listen to Twitter; Next Topgrading Class
May 16, 2013Stories for Fortune; Corporate Athletes; Playing the Game; May 17 Webcast
"…out-learning the competition"
HEADLINES: (Leadership Summit Summary – Day 1)
Friday May 17 Webcast
— no charge, one-hour re: Rockefeller Habits for companies with 100+ employees
– more details below, but first…
Stories for
— any tips on how to attract and hire the best millennial talent (those
graduating right now)? More details below, but second…
Pink on Sales
— "be the best version of yourself" if you want to be successful in sales – and
we're all in sales. Dan, the #1 biz speaker on the circuit right now (To
Sell is Human),
shared his new version of the ABC model of selling – Attunement, Buoyancy, and
Clarity – and how ambiverts (a real term) are the best sales people as opposed
to the kind of extroverts we might be tempted to hire and promote. He also
shared 4 tips for creating a pitch – including the power of rhymes i.e. "A
country with gazelles, excels" — our new quick pitch to governments. Here's
a 4 minute interview that flushes out some of his ideas.
Loehr on Human Performance — "exert and recover as a Corporate athlete" — pushing 70
years of age, as the #1 renowned human performance expert (Only
Way to Win)
who has helped four Olympic Gold medalists, 12 Grand Slam Tennis Champions, and
thousands of corporate "athletes" he reminded us that it's all about energy
management vs. time management and that you must maximize your energy in four
areas – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Besides sharing some myths
around stress, he emphasized the power of recovery time – even the 18 seconds
between tennis points is critical. Top performers understand how to expend
energy and then recover.
Here's six minutes of tips from Jim Loehr.
Then spend three days at his camp.
Laurie Bassi on Talent Development — "300% ROI – the best investment you can make is training
your people." Laurie, whose investment funds have consistently outperformed the
market, has put her money where her exhaustive research has indicated – in
companies that invest in the development of their people. One powerful graph
showed how investing in the
"Best Places to Work" companies outperformed the general market 4:1. Author of
Good Company,
Laurie's firm has a
Good Company Index which takes two minutes to complete. At Gazelles, we've
clearly seen the connection between those companies attending Summits over
several years and stellar performance, so no surprise to us. Here's
a link to her 4 minute interview.
Stack on Playing the Game — "nailing the critical number" – Jack, one of the legends
of business, having built firms with a combined revenue over $1 billion AND
being a thought leader via his classic
The Great
Game of Business
(20th Anniversary), dug into the details around his method for turning every
employee inside the company into an entrepreneur. In this 3 minute interview, I
have him expound on how to pick just one critical number and then laser focus
the organization on achieving it. Much of what we teach around execution comes
from Jack – and I've always strongly recommended that teams make the trip to
Springfield, MO and
attend his two-day workshop.
Here's a link to the interview.
Stories for
— I'm writing an upcoming
column about how to attract and manage the best millennial talent. Many
companies are getting deluged by entry-level workers. How do you spot the gems
among the piles of resumes–and set up and manage young hires so they can be
productive members of your team from day one? Please share your best strategies.
[email protected] – and please include number of employees (so the
reader has an idea of the size of the firm). Thanks.
17 @1pm ET Webcast
Rockefeller Habits for Companies with 100+ Employees. 1 Hour "Ask the Expert"
Webcast. Remember when meetings, metrics and priorities where so much
easier? Find out how firms with 100+ employees use The Rockefeller Habits to get
their teams focused and aligned. Larger companies have different needs and
unique complexities. We have worked with high growth clients around the world
and are happy to share practical tips and insights with you.
Link to register:
Growth Summits in Europe
– 22nd
May Amsterdam, 23rd May Barcelona – John Mullins, Margaret Heffernan, and
John Warrillow headline.